When has handphone found fitur copy message (sms) to pc, very lamentable kalo is not maked use. Formerly i am ever write to how mengarsip sms in handphone symbian which moment that use device n6600 (calimero). Well while i also use handphone based on java that is k600 (mirei). What sms in k600 i throw away when handphone memory fall short? Of course not, i always keep it every end month
Hmm. . . Can be heard it unimportant yes? For me sms that vitally. Even less after event that befall mirei that me sempat lose nomer2 in phonebook, and archives sms the sender number not yet sempat i save at phonebook also simcard handphone. Praise be to god previous i have copied entire sms, so that moment want number/message from sms that soon overcome.
How does archives storage process sms in handphone java? I use myphoneexplorer to mengkoneksi handphone to pc.
The step as follows:
1. After myphoneexplorer installed at pc, direct aja handphone connection with pc, then open menu messages like picture under this:
2. Will floodlight (block) pesan2 that be copy/keeped then will click right and choose export/import -> export selected messages. For file storage to pc choose type textfiles (. Txt) then save.
Afterwards open storage result file a while ago, there pampang clearly attribute sms: sender (name) and sender number, delivery time (date and clock) with message contents. Step above operative also to keep message in sent also draft of item. So us has message archives that enter, out, also not yet sent (draft of).
Well, from now on archives your sms!
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