25 July 2009

Camera CCTV Low Cost at Alnect Computer

25 July 2009

who ignores cctv (closed circuit television), now general is used to observe general places especially sensitive crime like mall/selfservice, terminal, airport and such as those which happen recently bomb terror event at hotel international.

cctv usually installed in place strategic door for example enter/out, so cctv can transcribe to what and whoever that pass place. even if pitch-dark, cctv with fitur infra red can transcribe picture clearly. cctv can be interlocked with television monitor even can also be supervised from a distance pass internet. also can be transcribed in harddisk during 1 month afterwards new latest recording befall first recording.

now price cctv enough achievable. where if not at alnect.net. only at the price of rp. 185.000 with no product: 540124 you can has camera cctv that has design little/mini and fit used at internet cafe, supermarket, school, office and other as it. equiped irda (infra red) for camera operation in place undertimes. the other superiority sensitivitas tall and of course economical electricity use.

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Alnect computer Blog Contest


22 May 2009

Publish via Device and Email

22 May 2009

" whew, Teach me its way posting via handphone. . Violent the rich also tuh: d. . " (17/8/2007)

Obvious postingan previous make interested a friend. Not. . Follow me bot because of interested in the article, but interested to follow trace does posting via handphone

Surplus from posting via handphone among others:
" fast relative process, without logging blogger
" cost effective (only pay cost gprs, depending how many ingredients postingan)
" can be done wherever
" another surplus looks for self

The weakness: (always there surplus and weakness)
" can not automatic turn on picture
" can not automatic give label
" big possibility contains advertisement from email (at part footer) that used. The example here.
" there possibility fails, but usually automatic enter draft of in posting, publish of course must via pc
" also look for self another weakness


1. Device
" handphone and card that used must support (and installed) gprs and email
" example: yahoo, better yahoo indonesia (yahoo. Co. Id)

2. Blogger
" step into facia - settings - email
" contents mail to blogger address with certain word, so that be a email address. This address that used to posting to blog pass email. This address will functioned as email/message aim address (article) that be sent.
For example: username. Rahasia@blogger. Com

3. Delivery
" open email facilities exist in device (handphone)
" email title will be title blog
" message/article contents as article contents at blog
" email shipping address as in on in number 2 bullet 2

4. Verification

When has handphone application content operamini, please blog opened, when does email delivery a while ago successful so will enter as postingan new. Use operamini this fast relative, easy, and cheap



Save well email address to posting article, because everyone can send to whatever there. Sure doesn't want blog we are messed up by another person not?

Congratulation try!

Update 11 des 07:

Be email address posting there choice likes next:
This is is denunciated address by which you can post to your blog via email:
- publish emails immediately (publish at the same moment)
- save emails axis draft of posts (save draft of)

So when want direct publish sure choose number 1

-For images, please check this out!


Message Storer for Java

When has handphone found fitur copy message (sms) to pc, very lamentable kalo is not maked use. Formerly i am ever write to how mengarsip sms in handphone symbian which moment that use device n6600 (calimero). Well while i also use handphone based on java that is k600 (mirei). What sms in k600 i throw away when handphone memory fall short? Of course not, i always keep it every end month

Hmm. . . Can be heard it unimportant yes? For me sms that vitally. Even less after event that befall mirei that me sempat lose nomer2 in phonebook, and archives sms the sender number not yet sempat i save at phonebook also simcard handphone. Praise be to god previous i have copied entire sms, so that moment want number/message from sms that soon overcome.

How does archives storage process sms in handphone java? I use myphoneexplorer to mengkoneksi handphone to pc.

The step as follows:

1. After myphoneexplorer installed at pc, direct aja handphone connection with pc, then open menu messages like picture under this:

2. Will floodlight (block) pesan2 that be copy/keeped then will click right and choose export/import -> export selected messages. For file storage to pc choose type textfiles (. Txt) then save.

Afterwards open storage result file a while ago, there pampang clearly attribute sms: sender (name) and sender number, delivery time (date and clock) with message contents. Step above operative also to keep message in sent also draft of item. So us has message archives that enter, out, also not yet sent (draft of).

Well, from now on archives your sms!

for images, please check this out!


Email settings for mobile devices

Exploit fitur email at your handphone!

Now handphone at the price of around 700 thousands equiped with fitur email client. Pity bot many that make use it. While rate gprs now more cheaper, so that use email via handphone even also cheap relative the cost.

Direct, follow the steps:

1. We must has email address support pop3 or imap. If not yet, can make at yahoo! Indonesia (mail. Yahoo. Co. Id), or at google mail (mail google. Com). To register gmail now hasn't need invite again.

2. Enable- fitur pop3 at webmail. If yahoo! Can step into option part --> pop3 and forwarding. Register address pop3 and smtp along with port

3. Setting at handphone (in this pilot is used 6600), step into menu messaging --> mailbox. Choose" yes" if there question likes this:

4. Furthermore parameter contents next:

" mailbox name: opsional, example: ladyelen
" access point in use: correspond to your card, example: xl gprs
" my email address: your email address contents, example: emailku@yahoo. Co. Id
" outgoing mail server: to yahoo! Indonesia: smtp. Mail. Yahoo. Co. Id
" send message: can be chosen self
" send copy to self: can be chosen self
" include signature: determine self
" username: username your email, example: my email
" password: contents with your email password
" incoming mail server: to yahoo! Indonesia: pop. Mail. Yahoo. Co. Id
" mailbox type: to yahoo! Indonesia: pop3
" security: depending webmail you, to yahoo! Indonesia can choose: off
" apop secure logging: depending webmail you, to yahoo! Indonesia can choose: off

5. Okay, now can begin connection to check email. Press option --> connect.

So, if only want to check email, why wait tommorow at office or busy to internet cafe?

-In handphone type other basically same, only differ term.
-For images, please check this out

CellPhoneWare by LadyElen. This Blog Best Viewed in FIREFOX @ Higher Resolution