Best Kamasutra application contains 240 (or 605 if add-on is installed) graphically illustrated poses.
Compatible devices:
LG KS10 (Joy), Nokia 3250, Nokia 5500 Sport, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia 6120, Nokia 6121, Nokia 6290, Nokia E50, Nokia E51, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia E61i, Nokia E62, Nokia E65, Nokia E70, Nokia E90, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Nokia N80, Nokia N81, Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82, Nokia N91, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N93i, Nokia N95, Nokia N95 8GB, Samsung SGH-i400, Samsung SGH-i450, Samsung SGH-i520, Samsung SGH-i550, Samsung SGH-i560

You can view all poses or view them divided by categories. There are 26 categories.
* All
* Favourites
* Random
* Man on top
* Woman on top
* 69
* Side by side
* Sitting
* Standing
* Knee
* Oral
* Acrobatics
* Aquatic
* Upside down
* Table
* Chair
* Laying
* Aback
* Cushion
* Near walls
* Hanging
* Armchair
* Rocking-chair
* Swinging
* Near a bed
* Bench
Browser and navigation:
In browser view you can see graphically illustrated poses.
You can switch between poses with "Left" and "Right" joystick keys. Using commands in menu you can go to any pose by its number in selected category or select first or last pose immediately.
In Random category (so called go by chance mode) all poses are arranged randomly and when you switch between poses in this category the application selects you random pose each time.
Favourites category:
When browsing poses you can add the pose you like to your favourites list. To do so select "Add to favourites" commands in menu.
To see all your favourite poses you need to select "favourites" category in categories list. If some pose is no longer needed here you can delete it from favourites list using "Remove" command in menu.
Download Best Kamasutra: SISX file or ZIP file

LG KS10 (Joy), Nokia 3250, Nokia 5500 Sport, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia 6120, Nokia 6121, Nokia 6290, Nokia E50, Nokia E51, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia E61i, Nokia E62, Nokia E65, Nokia E70, Nokia E90, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Nokia N80, Nokia N81, Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82, Nokia N91, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N93i, Nokia N95, Nokia N95 8GB, Samsung SGH-i400, Samsung SGH-i450, Samsung SGH-i520, Samsung SGH-i550, Samsung SGH-i560

You can view all poses or view them divided by categories. There are 26 categories.
* All
* Favourites
* Random
* Man on top
* Woman on top
* 69
* Side by side
* Sitting
* Standing
* Knee
* Oral
* Acrobatics
* Aquatic
* Upside down
* Table
* Chair
* Laying
* Aback
* Cushion
* Near walls
* Hanging
* Armchair
* Rocking-chair
* Swinging
* Near a bed
* Bench
Browser and navigation:
In browser view you can see graphically illustrated poses.
You can switch between poses with "Left" and "Right" joystick keys. Using commands in menu you can go to any pose by its number in selected category or select first or last pose immediately.
In Random category (so called go by chance mode) all poses are arranged randomly and when you switch between poses in this category the application selects you random pose each time.
Favourites category:
When browsing poses you can add the pose you like to your favourites list. To do so select "Add to favourites" commands in menu.
To see all your favourite poses you need to select "favourites" category in categories list. If some pose is no longer needed here you can delete it from favourites list using "Remove" command in menu.
Download Best Kamasutra: SISX file or ZIP file